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What defines a great leader?

Our answer may surprise you.

When you google ‘definition of great leadership’, you're hit with a myriad of answers. Outstanding leadership is one of those things we recognise but have a hard time articulating.

According to Bill Gates, "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others".

Or in the words of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, "Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he (she) wants to do it."

Yes, I agree.

Most of the articles I read also agreed on certain principles –integrity, good communication, vision, decisiveness, accountability was all listed as 'qualities of a great leader'.

Again, I agree.

But there is one quality that is not mentioned. I scanned multiple articles, and not once did I read about this essential attribute. This aspect of oneself is the foundation from which all of the above is born.

How do we become the great leader that Bill Gates and former President Eisenhower describe?

First and foremost, great leadership requires inner happiness.

As a leader, you must be many things to many people, but you can't be any of it without inner happiness. Happiness is a mindset.

And great leadership is enabled by both skill and mindset.

Leadership skills are often acquired through leadership training. Training organisations teach leaders how to delegate, motivate, manage conflict, manage change, performance manage, negotiate and communicate.

Of course, this is essential, but mindset, on the other hand, is often overlooked. A person can have the best training in the world, but without a happiness mindset, they won't be a great leader.

In a TED talk by leadership expert Rosalinde Torres, she talks about outstanding leadership as defined by three questions, extracted from a study of 4,000 companies and her 25 years of experience.

  • Where are you looking to anticipate change?

  • What is the diversity measure of your network?

  • Are you courageous enough to abandon the past?

I argue that to be in a position to answer those questions in a way that translates to great leadership, we must have the right mindset.

Anticipating change, both to your business model or your life, requires awareness and openness. Diversity and inclusion are a competitive advantage and a moral obligation. Inclusive leaders realise they have biases and are prepared to take action to address them. Courage only stems from the willingness to be vulnerable.  All of this can only be done with a happiness mindset.

What is a happiness mindset?

A happiness mindset is a driver for great leadership. It includes aptitudes such as self-awareness, self-regulation, compassion, inspiration, vulnerability, and the openness to listen, learn, and communicate.

This mindset has been the forgotten factor in the acquisition of success. Our society is dominated by 'the need for more' - increased profits, growing GDP – yet, this growth is often at the expense of our happiness. With all our advancements, millions around the world still suffer from stress, anxiety and depression.

It's time to change the criteria for success. It's time to incorporate a happiness mindset into business. The great leaders of the world are already doing this. And so can you.

Founder of Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard, said: "At Patagonia, making a profit is not the goal because the Zen master would say profits happen 'when you do everything else right'."

Yvon built an environmentally responsible and socially innovative global brand because he had the right skills and the right mindset.

Is a happiness mindset teachable?

In short, yes. But you must first seek a teacher who has acquired inner happiness within themselves. Again, someone may claim to have the skills but do they have the mindset?

Here at Leadology, we have both. Our unique approach combines the latest science with ancient yogi wisdom. Using this research and knowledge, we have designed techniques and tools that cultivate a happiness mindset for our clients.

We've seen leaders boost business performance and cultivate workplaces characterised by innovation, compassion, kindness, and well-being. And that's the type of business world we want to help create.

Want to explore a happiness mindset? Book a free 30-minute session below!