Amit Dhull Amit Dhull

What Does It Mean To Belong?

I recently started thinking about belonging and what it means to me as a mindset coach. Collins Dictionary defines belonging as a ‘secure relationship’. In essence, this is true, but belonging is much more nuanced. At its core, belonging is about being one’s truest self in any environment we find ourselves in.

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Amit Dhull Amit Dhull

How do we reconnect with ourselves?

This week we are honouring #mentalhealthawarenessweek here in New Zealand. The theme is #reconnect, encouraging people to reconnect with the people and places that lift them up.

As is the life of a mindset coach, I always come back to the same question – how do we do this in the mind? How do we truly reconnect with people who have become distant?

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Amit Dhull Amit Dhull

The Power of Consistency

Self-awareness takes time, practice and guidance. But you can begin the path to self-awareness right now, at home, with present-moment-awareness. I believe every human has the potential for greatness. It requires a process of redefining our beliefs and unearthing our potential with a trusted sounding bo”

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Amit Dhull Amit Dhull

Self-Awareness and Peak Performance

Self-awareness takes time, practice and guidance. But you can begin the path to self-awareness right now, at home, with present-moment-awareness. I believe every human has the potential for greatness. It requires a process of redefining our beliefs and unearthing our potential with a trusted sounding board. It requires self-awareness.

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Amit Dhull Amit Dhull

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is often a phrase people have heard of but don't know to define. Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as EI or emotional quotient / EQ) is essentially the ability to perceive, use, express and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate with clarity, empathise with others and overcome stress and conflict.

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Amit Dhull Amit Dhull

Why do we need awakened people?

In today’s changing environment, it's important to understand what future leadership needs. We think the answer is awakened leadership and here's why.

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Amit Dhull Amit Dhull

How do we achieve our vision? By pushing or pulling?

As a leader, do you know what the most effective leadership strategy is? Push leadership or pull leadership? The key is to recognise the potential within their team and then pull accordingly. Find out how you can do this.

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Amit Dhull Amit Dhull

What defines a great leader?

According to Bill Gates, "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others". We're exploring one aspect of great leadership that no one talks about.

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Amit Dhull Amit Dhull

Qualities of an effective coach

How does a coach effectively help clients reach their goals? Qualities such as patience, persistence, accountability and integrity come to mind. But there is something deeper than that. Something intangible. It is mind power.

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