The Power of Clarity in Achieving Your Goals

To truly succeed in a world of endless choices, we need one thing: clarity. Clarity is a laser-sharp focus on our priorities and goals.

Without clarity, we can get overwhelmed, procrastinate, or take unnecessary paths. You may make money and have a good job, but underneath it all will be that sinking feeling that you haven’t made your mark.

Lack of clarity takes us further away from our potential, our dreams and even our relationships.

For example, when we don’t have clarity on the needs of our spouse, our relationships suffer. Or when we don’t have clarity on our purpose, we are pulled in different directions.

To head in the direction of your highest potential, you need to:

Get clear on your purpose – write it out

The first and arguably the most important thing is to clarify your why. What gets you out of bed in the morning? What do you want to accomplish? Or change? What mark will you leave on the world? What are you passionate about?

This is about identifying what you want to do in the world (and not always appeasing others’ expectations).

Take a moment to write and map it out. Putting pen to paper helps our unconscious reveal itself, and seeing things in black and white helps our brain hone in on a singular point of focus.

Having clarity on your legacy is the key to then making the right decisions and choices that lead in that direction.

Define the goals – plan it out

Once you know your overarching purpose, you can then get really clear and specific about the goals required to achieve that purpose.

Think of purpose as the direction and goals as the signposts along the way.

For example, if you feel your purpose is to do with helping the homeless, then a clear goal would be: Volunteer at a homeless shelter for five hours per week for six months.

Or if your purpose is to build a sustainably-focussed business, then a clear goal would be: Achieve a nationally recognised certification for our carbon footprint by X date.

Goals need to head toward the purpose and be specific and measurable.

Take a step – take action

Once you have identified your north star (your purpose) and your goals, you then need to get clear on the next small actionable step.

This is about planning – a detailed step-by-step plan of action. It’s about making small, clear, almost daily decisions that keep you moving toward your purpose.

Following the examples above, the first step would be to contact a homeless shelter to inquire about volunteering. Or employ a sustainability consultant to guide you on how the business can reduce carbon.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles starts with one single step! It seems paradoxical, but to achieve something big in the world, we have to have clarity on the small step happening in front of us now.

Once that small step is achieved, clarify the next step and the next.

Points to remember

Opposites co-exist in life: Without failure, success would have no meaning. Challenges and fallbacks are part of the journey. Knowing this helps you stay calm and focused in the face of adversity.

Progress matters: Remember that a lack of progress results from a lack of clarity. Or, as bestselling author and leadership coach Robin Sharma said, “Clarity precedes success.”

You can pivot and adapt: As you take action, you’ll get new insight. You may have to adjust your goals accordingly. You can even alter your purpose if it no longer feels right. You’ve tried something and realised it’s not what you want. What great knowledge! Now you can get clear on a new north star. With each iteration, you get closer and closer to unearthing your true purpose.

Present moment: Life happens in the present moment. If you struggle with clarity and purpose, start by pulling your wandering mind back to the present moment. The next right step always arises out of that grounded place.

If you need help accessing the present moment, articulating your purpose and setting clear goals, I’d love to show you how.

Book your free one-on-one 30 minute session below:


Navigating Change: The Transformative Power of Present Moment Awareness


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